Saturday, 26 July 2014

How to Use Mail Merge

Mail merge is very useful in sending mail to a large number of group and it is used in companies and many organization here I am going to discuss in 6 simple steps.

Click on mail merge and then scroll down to Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. Follow the steps in the task pane to navigate your way through the Mail Merge process.

Choose a document type. This document contains the information that will remain the same in each version, such as the return address or company logo. If you’ve already created this document, you can click the USE CURRENT DOCUMENT. Otherwise, click Start from a template or Start from existing document, and then locate the template or document that you want to use

Connect to the data source. The information that you want to merge into your documents will be stored in the data source, and can be found in your Outlook contacts or in an existing file. If you have not yet created this information, select Type a New List to begin creating

Indicate what records you want to include by checking or un-checking the subsequent box.

Add fields to your document. Think of a “field” as that information that is unique to each letter. For example, it might be the address of each recipient. You could also choose More Items. This will allow you to add any specific information that you had included in your data file. [[


Preview and complete the merge. To preview, you can scroll through each merged document, making sure that there are no mistakes. You can also search for a specific recipient, exclude a recipient or edit the entire recipient list. After previewing the merged information, click next and your merge will be complete. You can print, transmit, save all or save just a portion of the document you created


The Zigbee standard was created to address the needs of a cost effective standard based wireless networking solution that supports low power consumption, security and reliability. Zigbee is a technology primarily targeted for wireless sensor networks              and can be used in monitoring and control applications requiring a wireless link. The primary use cases of Zigbee include
·         Smart homes and building automation
·         Wireless lighting control systems
·         Logistics and asset tracking
·         Sensor networks and active RFID
·         Smart Energy Meters

Zigbee is a low cost, low power network. The low cost allows the technology to be widely deployed in wireless control and monitoring applications. Low power usage allows longer life with smaller batteries.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Use Wireshark to Sniff Traffic

Use Wireshark to Sniff Traffic

1.     Download and install the latest stable version of Wireshark .

2.     Click on the Capture menu and then select interfaces.

3.     Click the Start button next to the interface that shows packets being sent and

received. If you have multiple interfaces with packet activity, choose one of them—
preferably the interface with the most activity.

4. Click on a packet to analyze that single packet. The detailed headers will be displayed
beneath the packet capture screen.

5. Expand each header (IP, TCP) of a packet and identify the address information.
This exercise will provide much more network traffic if performed on a hub rather than a
switch. A wireless network can be used, as a wireless LAN is a shared network segment
similar to how a hub operates.

Create a Wireshark filter to capture only traffic to or from an IP address

Create a Wireshark filter to capture only traffic to or from an IP address

1. Open Wireshark.
2. Click the active Network Interface to capture traffic.
3. Click Capture, then select filters.

4. Click the new button to create a new filter.
5. Name the new filter in the filter name field.
6. Type host IPaddress in the filter string field.
7. Click OK.
8. Select the capture menu and click start to begin the capture.

Monday, 14 July 2014



To prevent confidential data from theft or with the hackers there are two ways to hide files so that any user can’t harm your data. The first is to use the attrib command. To hide a file with the attrib command, type the
Following at the command prompt:
                                               Attrib +h [file/directory]

The second way to hide a file in Windows is with NTFS alternate data streaming. NTFS
File systems used by Windows NT, 2000, and XP have a feature called alternate data streams

->Hiding Files Using NT FS File Streaming

Note: This exercise will only work on systems using the NTFS file system.

To create and test an NTFS file stream:

1. At the command line, enter notepad test.txt.

2. Put some data in the file, save the file, and close Notepad. Step 1 will open Notepad.

3. At the command line, enter dir test.txt and note the file size.

4. At the command line, enter notepad test.txt:hidden.txt. Type some text into

Notepad, save the file, and close it.

5. Check the file size again (it should be the same as in step 3).

6. Open test.txt. You see only the original data.

7. Enter type test.txt:hidden.txt at the command line. A syntax error message is displayed5a0c-a589

Massaging between two systems windows-xp:-

Massaging between two systems windows-xp:-
Requirements for start chatting:-
Ø  You should have a windows-xp system
Ø  The system should come under the network area; the system should be connected throw LAN or any network but should be connected.
Firstly open a notepad and write the following command:-
@echo off
Set /pn=user:
Set /p m=message:
Net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Save this message as:”messenger.bat”.
Open this bat file in command prompt type port name whom you want to send massage for example:

hiding data with imagehide

Hiding Data with the help of a third party software .A very useful tool can help your data to preventing from theft here I will show how to use a tool called ImageHide with the help of it we can hide our data in the form of an image.
Hiding Data in an Image Using ImageHide  

To hide data in an image using ImageHide:

1.     Download and install the ImageHide program.

2.     Add an image in the ImageHide program.

3.     Add text in the field at the bottom of the ImageHide screen.

4.     Hide the text within the image using ImageHide.

What is Microsoft .NET PASSPORT?

What is Microsoft .NET PASSPORT?

A .NET PASSPORT gives you a single secure way to sign in to multiple internet sites and services using one signed in name and password.
You must have a passport to MSN Messenger .if you have a hotmail and MSN account .you already have a passport if you have a windows-xp you probably have a passport if not you can get it using .NET passport wizard .the process to get a passport in windows-xp follow the following steps:-




MSN messenger is a massaging program that lets you add your family member and coworker to contact list.
Some steps to work on MSN:-
1: First see who is online.
2: you can call or phone almost anywhere in the world for a very low rate and use microphone and headset to talk call a contact and talk for free.
3: you can send pictures, music and documents.
4: sent instant massages to a pager and get a response.
5: Go to chat row and meet new people or join celebrity chat

Saturday, 12 July 2014


A VOICE SERVICE PROVIDER is a company that provides phone calling messenger. To Make phone calls from your computer you need to sign up with a voice service provider and pay them for the service of connecting to for the number you call.
In g-mail there isn’t need of a software to chat to another site.


You can send a variety of files music, pictures and documents.
In the main window on the file menu click send a file or photo click a contact name and then click ok.
How to call a computer on vsp
You can online contact to computers and talk using your microphone you must both have a full duplex sound card and a headset.

Steps to call a computer:-
1: Right click on the name of the online contact and click on start a voice conversation.
2: If this is the first time you are initiating audio tuning wizard will help you detect required hardwar .
3: you can now have a voice communication with the desired person ,click stop talking on the right to the end the voice chat.

How to Make a Pen Drive bootable

Make a pen drive bootable throw command:-

Select your pen drive from list

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Boot Process


Boot process is the important to start the system .It is the first process to execute .process of automatic loading of operating system to primary storage, and readying a computer system for use .in simple words we can say the process that make a system able to start and use its resources called boot process .
The boot process includes following steps:-
1: POST:-
Power on self test is the first program executes .its work is to check all resources that if they work properly or not if there is any problem occurs it findout the cause of the problem and resolve that.

2: Execute BIOS Instructions:-
In brief BIOS called (basic input output system ),is a important part of the operating system its work is to check the operations and works of all INPUT/OUTPUT ,and STORAGE DEVICES .It controls there operations also.

3: Boot Strap Loader:-
Is a small program which load in Ram (primary memory).
4:MBR(MASTER BOOT RECORD):-Is created on hard disks first track and when it is full the system unable to boot.

The process of boot:-
The last process in the pc startup is read the operating system. The startup program is a instructor to find the master boot record .this is located in a very first sector on either hard drive (c drive)or floppy drive(A drive) .From MBR(MASTER BOOT RECORD)it reads the BOOT STRAP(IS A PROGRAM)which points to the location of the startup files of the O.S. by default the pc will look for a boot sector in a floppy drive A. In drive A the startup program will search for the boot sector on hard disk C, when the boot sector is found a small program (Boot program is read from there) the boot strap takes over control of the pc .The startup program have done its job new Dos, windows another o.s. takes over control.

Friday, 4 July 2014

(Basic Elements of C++)

(Basic Elements of C++)

Today’s topic is how to learn basic elements of c++ . before starting we should know something about c++. It’s a object oriented programming language developed in the year of 1980by Bjarne stroustrup in (AT&T BELL LABORATORIES,USA) the purpose to make this language is to simplify the procedure of problem solving that’s why it has all the qualities of c and add some more qualities and developed a language first its name is (C WITH CLASSES),but after some time he gave the name c++.


[Program Structure of C++]:=

To understand the program structure of c++ watch this program :-
//wish.cpp: printing a simple message
Void main()

The  given program has six lines:-

                                                   DISCRIPTION OF PROGRAM

1: //wish.cpp: printing a simple message              à(COMMENT)
2:#include<iostream.h>                                             à(PREPROCESSOR DIRECTIVE)
3: void main()                                                              à(FUNCTION DECLARATOR)
4:{                                                                                  à (START OF FUNCTION)
6:}                                                                                  à(END OF FUNCTION)

First Line:-
The statement given in the double slash (//) called comment and compiler not run this line , comment is not part of the program but it works like the header of the program ,this line is written just for the convenience of the programmer so that in future it helps in modifying the code.
Second Line:-
The second line is preprocessor directive
Include the statement of header file .It consist commands and constants which is used in program. In iostream file it consist declaration which is needed to cout and cin (stream objects).
There are lots of preprocessor directives in c++.
Third Line:-
C++ is depended on a set of functions just like C. Every c++ program has a main function from where the execution of program is started .Except main all program  is given by the programmer .after the function there is a pair of parenthesis it has arguments and sometimes not. The parenthesis is important to mention otherwise it will show an error message.
Fourth Line:-
The main part of the c++ program is its curly braces({) arguments are written within this braces.

Fifth Line:-
Cout this function Is used to show the given message and is related to console. A console is a black dos like screen is show when the program is execute and  all results are shown on that black screen.

Sixth Line:-
(}) show the end of the function body.

             HOW TO RUN A C++ PROGRAM

Writing a program:-
Before writing the program start the turbo c++ software .after showing program window press ALT+F and choose NEW and after this a window show written at the top NONAME00.CPP ,now you can start writing the code.
Saving a Program:-
After creating the program press ALT+F and choose save option or you can press F2 after that a save dialog box shown here you can give a name to the file and give a extension and save it.
Compiling a program:-
Now save the file with cpp extension and save it with any name. after compiling process your file become a object file  . if there is any error in the code it show a error message otherwise show a message like( 0ERROE0WARNING).You can compile the program after pressing the key ALT+F9.
Linking the Program:-
The purpose to link  a program is make the program executable. after this you can run it independently .To link press ALT+C together.
Executing the Program:-
For execution of  program press CTRL+F9.
Implementing the user window:-
To see the output on the screen press ALT+W and choose USER WINDOW ,or you can use ALT+F5when output not shown on the screen.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

How to be Inspired to studies

Here I am going to tell you about how to be successful in your studies this is the time for taking admission and join college and face the competition in this competitive world so be motivated and dedicated towards your studies is must, for success there is no shortcut only a key role that you can perform, which is your dedication towards your work not even your studies but any work that you want to accomplish successfully.
Some people think that failure is opposite to success it is the sign of your inability but, I have a different opinion is that failure is the way to bring your success in your hands.

Success doesn't mean the absence of failures; it means
the attainment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the
war, not every battle.
                                                                           Edwin C. Bliss

  • First thing is goal oriented approach you should divide your chapter in parts and keep on learning one subject after understanding one chapter then you move for next .

  • Next thing is that you should always prepare for the upcoming competition or challenges because it helps in making you perfect always do smart work.

  • Planning is very important for any work you want to accomplish well and not only plan but a good strategy is also important, A well planned work is half done.

  • Late night studies will help you, when world is sleeping and dreaming you are trying to make your dream true.

  • Always be cheerful and happy because it help and you in increasing your concentration power.

  • Write your objective and make a deadline for your work and try to achieve your objective within that time.

  • Always look bright side of your life always believe in, that whatever happen is good for you ,and accept it and make it positive for you .

  • Always keep in mind these key point will help you for success and get motivated -->objective-->dedication-->achieve your goal within the decided deadline-->Hard work +smart work-->success.

Keep on following key points and be a successful person .the student life is the golden time for a human being  so it is the time to do something ok so best of luck friends.