Friday, 4 July 2014

(Basic Elements of C++)

(Basic Elements of C++)

Today’s topic is how to learn basic elements of c++ . before starting we should know something about c++. It’s a object oriented programming language developed in the year of 1980by Bjarne stroustrup in (AT&T BELL LABORATORIES,USA) the purpose to make this language is to simplify the procedure of problem solving that’s why it has all the qualities of c and add some more qualities and developed a language first its name is (C WITH CLASSES),but after some time he gave the name c++.


[Program Structure of C++]:=

To understand the program structure of c++ watch this program :-
//wish.cpp: printing a simple message
Void main()

The  given program has six lines:-

                                                   DISCRIPTION OF PROGRAM

1: //wish.cpp: printing a simple message              à(COMMENT)
2:#include<iostream.h>                                             à(PREPROCESSOR DIRECTIVE)
3: void main()                                                              à(FUNCTION DECLARATOR)
4:{                                                                                  à (START OF FUNCTION)
6:}                                                                                  à(END OF FUNCTION)

First Line:-
The statement given in the double slash (//) called comment and compiler not run this line , comment is not part of the program but it works like the header of the program ,this line is written just for the convenience of the programmer so that in future it helps in modifying the code.
Second Line:-
The second line is preprocessor directive
Include the statement of header file .It consist commands and constants which is used in program. In iostream file it consist declaration which is needed to cout and cin (stream objects).
There are lots of preprocessor directives in c++.
Third Line:-
C++ is depended on a set of functions just like C. Every c++ program has a main function from where the execution of program is started .Except main all program  is given by the programmer .after the function there is a pair of parenthesis it has arguments and sometimes not. The parenthesis is important to mention otherwise it will show an error message.
Fourth Line:-
The main part of the c++ program is its curly braces({) arguments are written within this braces.

Fifth Line:-
Cout this function Is used to show the given message and is related to console. A console is a black dos like screen is show when the program is execute and  all results are shown on that black screen.

Sixth Line:-
(}) show the end of the function body.

             HOW TO RUN A C++ PROGRAM

Writing a program:-
Before writing the program start the turbo c++ software .after showing program window press ALT+F and choose NEW and after this a window show written at the top NONAME00.CPP ,now you can start writing the code.
Saving a Program:-
After creating the program press ALT+F and choose save option or you can press F2 after that a save dialog box shown here you can give a name to the file and give a extension and save it.
Compiling a program:-
Now save the file with cpp extension and save it with any name. after compiling process your file become a object file  . if there is any error in the code it show a error message otherwise show a message like( 0ERROE0WARNING).You can compile the program after pressing the key ALT+F9.
Linking the Program:-
The purpose to link  a program is make the program executable. after this you can run it independently .To link press ALT+C together.
Executing the Program:-
For execution of  program press CTRL+F9.
Implementing the user window:-
To see the output on the screen press ALT+W and choose USER WINDOW ,or you can use ALT+F5when output not shown on the screen.

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