Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Access multiple E-Mail Accounts:

Some internet providers give you more than one e-mail account. you might  use the accounts for each member of the famil, or just use different names for various purposes such as business an d personal .
Once you have more than one e-mail account you have to remember to check for each for new mail. With all of the free e-mail offers availabl, and with multiple accounts at one ISP, you could end up  checking two three four or more mail  accounts at same time. It would be too easy to skip an  account, and miss some important piece of mail.having multiple accounts means you have to remember to check for mail on each.
No problem you all need is a program that lets you access multiple accounts at one time. There is one with Microsoft internet explorer, called OUTLOOK EXPRESS, there are others available.

Outlook Express is a free e-mil program that comes with Microsoft internet explorer, which comes free with Microsoft office and other programs. With outlook express, you set up one or more accounts that you want to use to send and receive POP based mail. You can choose to send the program and then follow these steps:
1.       Select tools> accounts to open the internet accounts dialog box.
2.       Click  the mail tab. Then click Add and then select Mail. This starts the Internet Connection Wizard.
3.       Enter the details of your account in the dialog boxes that follow . you will be asked for the name that you want displayed in messages, your e-mail address, the type of server, the name of the incoming and outgoing servers, and your account name and password.
4.       Click finish in the last Wizard dialog box.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Using e-mail signature in outlook

Microsoft outlook express supports signature files .these files retain your personal and professional information and add it to your messages accordiong to your instructions.

1.       Selects tools >options and select the signature tab.this brings up the signature manager where all signature (also called sigs)are created,stored and modified.

2.       Click new and type your signature into the edit signature field .add as many signature as you
 feel  you’ll  use.

3.       When you are finished you may add another signature or move on. I suggest you first  click rename and give each signature a recognizable name that tells you what it contains or its intended purpose.

4.       Use the check boxes at the top of the dialog box to determine that weather outlook express express automatically add your default signature to all outgoing massageand weather it should use your signature when you reply to forward a message.


For a quick , but its e-mail  to send e-mail using custom non-returnable address, check out mailstart. Mailstart a numbers of useful features ,but its e-mail features can be fun and ensure your privacy. You don’t need to register with mailstart to send mail,and no spec ial software is required.
To send mail ,go to and click on the link send E-Mail to someone you know to open the form .
Enter your E-Mail address in the from line,and make something up fun that looks like e-mail address, subject and text of the message, and then click the send this mail button of the form .
The recipient will get the mail showing whatever address you entered in the from line in the sender .
Note: your computers ip address will be sent along with the message in the header .

The ip address can be used to track  you down, so be sure to use mailstart only for legitimate purpose.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

How Office helps protect you from phishing schemes

In this post I will show that how ms-office helps to prevent online fraud and  phishing . In this we will see what phishing is and includes tips on how to identify phishing schemes and follow best practices to avoid becoming a victim of online fraud.

Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one.
The purpose of these spoofed messages is to trick you into providing,{personal identity information pII} such as the following:
  •   Name and user name Address and telephone number
  •   Password or PIN
  •   Bank account number
  •   ATM/debit or credit card number
  •   Credit  card validation code (CVC)or card verification value (CVV)
  •   Social Security Number (SSN)

  How Office helps protect you from phishing schemes
Suspicious links in documents
By default, the 2007 Office release displays security alerts in the following situations:
  •   You have a document open and you click a link to a Web site with an address that has a potentially spoofed domain name.
  You open a file from a Web site with an address that has a potentially spoofed domain name.

The following alert appears when you click a link to a Web site that uses a potentially spoofed domain name.

 You can then choose whether to continue to visit the Web site.
Suspicious links in e-mail messages
By default, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 does the following to a suspicious message:
*  If the Junk E-mail Filter does not consider a message to be spam but does consider it to be phishing, the message is left in the Inbox, but any links in the message are disabled and you cannot use the Reply and Reply All functionality.
*  If the Junk E-mail Filter considers the message to be both spam and phishing, the message is automatically sent to the Junk E-mail folder. Any message sent to the Junk E-mail folder is converted to plain text format and all links are disabled. In addition, the Reply and Reply All functionality is disabled. The InfoBar alerts you to this change in functionality.

If you click a link that was disabled in a phishing message, the following Outlook Security dialog box appears.

If you want to continue to be alerted to potential security risks, click OK. If you don't want to keep getting the warning, select the Please do not show me this dialog again check box.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Restrict permission to content in files

Restricting permission means to distribute the authority to other users. It will help the author to save for confidentiality of the document.
we can restrict permission for documents, workbooks, and presentations on the user who is use that document,. Authors use the Permission dialog box to give users Read and Change access, as well as to set expiration dates for content. For example, Rahul, the author, can give shalini  permission to read a document but not make changes to it. Rahul can then give ragini permission to make changes to the document and allow him to save the document. Rahul may also decide to limit both shalini's and ragini's access to this document for five days before the permission to the document expires. For information about setting an expiration date for a document.

1.     Save the document, workbook, or presentation.

2.     Click the Microsoft Office Button , point to Prepare, point to Restrict Permission, and then click Do Not Distribute.


Choose restrict permission for document as you wish ,you can distribute the different –different authority to different users.

Levels of authority

§  Read   Users with Read permission can read a document, workbook, or presentation, but they don't have permission to edit, print, or copy it.

§  Change   Users with Change permission can read, edit, and save changes to a document, workbook, or presentation, but they don't have permission to print it.

§  Full Control   Users with Full Control permission

Sunday, 1 February 2015

program for sorting numbers using selection sort bubble sort or insertion sort

sorting involves to systematically rearrange the data. that  data may include numbers alphabets but here I am going to sort the data which involves numbers we can also apply the same method  with the alphabets also.

So here is my first program to sort the numbers using selection sort:

/* SELECTION sort implementation */ 

void main(){ int a[5]={44,33,55,22,11},k,j,temp; clrscr();
for(k=0;k<5;k++) { for(j=k+1;j<5;j++) {
 if(a[k]>a[j]) {       temp=a[j];       a[j]=a[k];       a[k]=temp;
} for(j=0;j<5;j++) { printf("%d\n",a[j]); }

In selection sort we select the first which is 0th element and check it with other elements that weather it is greater than it or not if true then it will swap it with the next element  this process will continue as soon as all the elements will not be sort.

/* bubble sort implementation */ 

void main()
int a[5]={44,33,55,22,11},i,k,j=0,t=0;








In bubble sort we will check the next element started from first element and this process will go on untill all the elements will be sorted.


/* INSERTION sort implementation */ 

void main()
int a[5]={44,33,55,22,11},i,k,t;








Tuesday, 27 January 2015

search for a particular number in given numbers

 void main()
int a[10],n,i,k=0;
printf("enter the numbers");

printf("enter the number which you want to search");



printf("the entered number is not present ");
printf("the entered number is=%d occurs = %d times",n,k);

Monday, 26 January 2015

program for producing following output

void main()

int i,j,k=65,g=1;

} for(g=2;g<=i;g++)
 printf("  ");





Sunday, 25 January 2015

How to add a user defined function to a library function:

Here we are going to create a function for factorial of a the given number:

Step 1:
First create the definition of the program and save it with name fact .c
 Int factorial(int num)
int  f=1,I;
return (f);

Step 2:
Compile “fact.c” file by using Alt + F9 keys (in turbo C).

step 3:
“fact.obj” file would be created which is the compiled form of “fact.c” file.

Step 4:
Then for adding your function to the library function type the code given below:
c:\> tlib math.lib + c:\ fact.obj
+ means adding c:\fact.obj file in the math library.
We can delete this file using – (minus){
c:\> tlib math.lib - c:\ fact.obj}.

Step 5:        
Create a file “fact.h” & declare prototype of fact() function like below.
int factorial (int num);
Now fact.h file containing prototype of function “factorial”.

Step 6:
Let us see how to use our newly added library function in a C program.
# include <stdio.h>
// Including our user defined function.
# include “c:\\factorial.h”    
int main ()
       int f,n;
        prinntf(“enter any number”);   //message to the user

        scanf(“%d”,&n);                //receiving input from user

                                      // calling function from library
       f = factorial (n);

       printf ("factorial = %d \n", f);

        return 0;